Review: Logitech Wireless Guitar Hero Guitar - Xbox 360, PS3, Wii

by Steven Williamson on 27 May 2010, 09:19 4.0

Tags: Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, Logitech (NASDAQ:LOGI)

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Strumming for the hardcore crowd

Version reviewed - PS3 controller

Guitar Hero has been around for a while; 8 main titles and 4 expansion packs if you weren’t counting. As someone who’s been through rather a lot of guitars, finding a replacement guitar that can stand the test of time has been something of a priority.

Enter, the Logitech Wireless Guitar Hero guitar.

The very first thing you notice, long before it’s very well packaged box arrives on your doorstep is the price. £180 (RRP) for a controller isn’t cheap in anyone’s books. Can a controller really justify that sort of price tag? Let’s read on and find out.

Sliding out of the box, the next thing you notice about the guitar is the finish – This isn’t a lightweight plastic guitar; this is a ¾ sized, full weight wooden guitar that looks and feels every bit like a real guitar. The body is solid and weighty; the rosewood neck has real steel frets and tuning pegs. The rest of the hardware seems of equal quality, the strum bar is quiet, the whammy bar nicely positioned and not overly springy, and whilst the strum bar lacks “click”, it feels solid. As Logitech will be getting this sample back, it was felt best not to strip it down to discover what sort of switching was used. It doesn’t feel like the leaf springs of the original rock band guitars, but much quieter than the noisy microswitches of the Guitar Hero guitars.

The PS3 Version

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