Review: Kinect Joy Ride - Xbox 360

by Steven Williamson on 23 December 2010, 18:20 3.0

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Racing

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Take it to the street and around the world.

So far we’ve been impressed, though not totally overawed, by the initial batch of Kinect titles. Many of the titles showcase the technology well, provide some entertainment when played with a group of friends or online, but don’t offer enough content game content or gameplay variation to encourage you to come back for more. Kinect Joy Ride doesn’t exactly fit in with the crowd so far. On one hand, the fast-paced arcade racer is full of content and variation, and it's quite good fun seeing your avatar perform stunts on screen, but on the other hand it doesn’t do justice to the motion-sensing technology – it simply doesn’t perform well enough.

We’re not sure that racing games are where Kinect’s strengths lie, though developer Turn 10 may argue that fact next year when it releases a Kinect-enabled Forza Motorsport 4. As a casual game for kids, however, Kinect Joy Ride will provide some thrills, spills and laughs along the way. Though there is fun to be had here in small doses, as that chequered flag goes down and you cross the finishing line you’ll be acutely aware that Kinect Joy Ride doesn't represent an exciting evolution for the kart racer. Sadly, it just compounds the fact that you can't beat having a controller in your hands in this particular Mario Kart-inspired genre.

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Isn't this the one where you can sit there, not move and still win?
Gaming is going backwards.