Review: Dark Souls (Xbox 360)

by Steven Williamson on 6 October 2011, 10:05 5.0

Tags: Namco (TYO:7832), PC

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Try and try again

Like any good fantasy-based action RPG, Dark Souls features an array of weapons, spells and enhancements that you can call on when the going gets tough. Through killing enemies you gain souls which can then be spent by visiting merchants and buying weapons, armour and magical items. Each item has a number of parameters that defines its strength and usefulness against certain creatures and each can be equipped and examined intuitively in the well-laid-out inventory menu. Crossbows, for example, are great for long-range attacks, while a long sword and shield combo will serve you well during some close-quarter battles.

It's all about making the right decisions and choosing your items well. Fire bombs will help when you're overcrowded by enemies, while flame-resistant armour protects against the fiery breath of a dragon. A spear may help you prod at an enemy from a relatively safe distance, while the power of wielding an axe with two hands provides the necessary strength to penetrate the shield of a dark knight. With so many items and weapons on offer, and the fact that enemy-types change so frequently, Dark Souls quickly becomes a compelling game of tactical exchanges, attack and defense strategies and sheer persistence.

Hog roast for lunch then?

Combat is brutal yet immensely satisfying. Light and heavy blows combine with rolls, backsteps and parrying to deliver a cat-and-mouse game of defense and attack. AI can be brutal, taking you out in one hit yet requiring you to carry out a perfect assault to come on top. Quickly you learn how to lure an enemy from a group and take them out, shoot down archers before even trying to tackle ground-based enemies, and study bosses' behaviour before you even begin to understand how to kill them. Weapons and armour degrade with use, health potions need to be used wisely, and every action you take has a consequence. Yup, it's hard.