Review: Dark Souls (Xbox 360)

by Steven Williamson on 6 October 2011, 10:05 5.0

Tags: Namco (TYO:7832), PC

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Final thoughts and rating

Aside from combat, exploration is also part of the experience. Though Dark Souls isn't the best-looking game on console, it's rewarding to stray off the beaten track to find treasures that can immeasurably help you in the battle ahead. Locations are multi-tiered and battle grounds change frequently, from open mountain pathways to cramped, dingy dungeons. There's no fixed path to follow, no map to show you where to go, or no hint at what awaits you around any corner. It's this feeling of being completely lost and helpless that serves to keep you on edge throughout, immersing you in its overwhelming sense of darkness and despair.

Without a shadow of a doubt Dark Souls is a breath of fresh air in a sea of games that take you by the hand and give you as much help as possible to get you to the end quickly and in one piece. As a result, it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea, and there's likely to be just as many people who turn it off than stick to it through thick and thin. Those who embrace it fully, however, and know what they're getting themselves into from the outset, will live the experience and feel totally fulfilled by its unique blend of fear, challenge and reward, and will be motivated by the undying community spirit to succeed.

Erm...I think we better leg it!

Note: Dark Souls does have a storyline, but at time of publishing we don't feel we know enough about it to pass judgement, despite the fact that we've played the game for 30-plus hours. Play it and you'll see what we mean!

The Good

Immersive game world
Immensely challenging
Innovative, persistent online world

The Bad

Will be too difficult for some

HEXUS Rating

Dark Souls

HEXUS Where2Buy

Dark Souls is available at .

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I got my Limited Edition copy sitting right here, I'm going to wait for my son to return home from school so he can create his profile and start the game, then when the missus is out later and the kids are in bed it will be my turn to die.
My son completed the first game after me which is a feat in itself, he is “dying” to play this. good/frustrating times ahead!