Review: Powerful free Xbox 360 video converter from Videora

by Bob Crabtree on 30 November 2005, 18:57

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Proof of the pudding

Videora Xbox360 Converter Profile PickerProfile Picker is a calculator to help choose the right profile for encoding settings

Since we don't yet have an Xbox 360, we used a PC and Windows Media Player 10 to check the MPEG-2 files created by Videora's app. All looked and sounded fine, though quality was noticeably improved by choosing higher-datarate encoding settings. If you're new to the media repurposing game, check out the company's useful guide for converting video footage. There's also a FAQ page explaining how to play videos on the Xbox 360.

Videora Xbox360 Converter move option The app includes a dual-pane Move window to put converted files where they're needed

Videora is also the name of the main program that the company supplies – a personal video downloader. This is now at V2.0 and offered free in a feature-reduced version and for US$30 for the full app. The program is said to use BitTorrent peer-to-peer technology and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds to automagically find and download videos you want to watch.

Conscience jogger
Video editors and those wishing to repurpose video are particularly well served by clever and powerful free programs. From our tests - admittedly conducted without an Xbox360 for final viewing - Videora's new offering looks to be up among the best.

Freebie apps will only remain free if punters willingly make donations to help support development of those they use. In that regard, Videora's Converter range – and its eponymous downloader – are no different.

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