Nice Cat Suit!
Slinky black cat suit, beautifully polished nails, a sexy swagger, peachy soft skin and sensuality oozing out of every vein, Joanna Dark is not your average woman. Xbox 360 has finally arrived and Joanna is the pistol-packing heroine in the long awaited shoot em up from RARE, Perfect Dark Zero. This young, ambitious would-be secret agent finally arrives back on our consoles, be prepared to be grabbed around the throat and hurtled into the intense, powerful, high tech game play that was prominent in the original eye-popping game.This paragraph is direct from our First Look at PDZ.
The action begins with a training mission set in an underground base deep in the Pacific Ocean. Your objective is to infiltrate the base, evade security, blow up the CPU and then escape. You start the mission equipped with a camspy, which enables you to reach those hard to reach places, a datathief, which enables you to hack through electronic locks and a P9P standard pistol. As you navigate the underground tunnels you’ll encounter your first enemies, spider bots. They are relatively harmless and easy to dispose off. The training allows you to get to grips with basic controls. You’ll learn how to melee attack as you smash through crates, how to dive through laser trips wires, which comes in extremely useful in full scale battles, how to crouch and cover behind static objects and, last but not least, how to fire your weapon. Hacking computerised access points is prominent throughout the game and you’ll have your first chance to test your skills as you head towards the CPU.

PDZ has many great accessories and you’ll need to use your camspy in order to blow up the main computer. By navigating a series of pipes, otherwise unreachable without your trusty camera, you blow up the computer and head for your next objective. Escorting the scientists to the elevator that leads to the safety of the roof gives you the chance to dual wield for the first time and assess the power of the artillery in hand. On the roof the action hots up, and numerous security staff are keen to stop you leaving the base. This is your first chance to bring all those combat skills together. Security are extremely adept at avoiding your gun fire, they will hide behind crates, vehicles and any other stationary objects whilst popping up and down taking shots that don’t actually appear to do much damage. Luckily for us the game features exploding barrels, a few carefully aimed shots will send them flying into the air like a human firework. Head for the central platform, fight off a few jetpack-wearing guards and the mission is over. It’s an exciting introduction into a game that seems to improve the more you play.