Morph into 10 different characters
Upgraded from GameCube to Xbox, then Xbox to Xbox 360, Kameo: Elements of Power could be described as a fusion of adventure and combat. If flirts with innovative gameplay, overflows with style, but is littered with annoyances. The story of Kameo is simple, your family is kidnapped, and the Kingdom is in peril. Defeat the trolls and rescue the spirits of the elemental warriors.
Much like Metroid and Zelda, Kameo Elements of power is a game firmly based on exploration and re-exploration of levels. The main gameplay element requires you to morph into different characters and uses the character’s abilities in order to defeat enemies, discover new areas, and clear through a wide variety of obstacles.
You’ll begin the game in a fortress, set deep in the homeland of the trolls. The beauty of Kameo’s environments and creatures is immediately apparent, colourful dragons fill the sky, clouds dreamily drift by, and light reflects of every surface. The power of the Xbox 360 truly brings every object and character to life.

You’ll start with three Elemental Warriors, Chilla, Pummel Weed and Major Ruin. Each character can be assigned to a button using the control pad. Chilla is a powerful, gorilla type creature who has the ability to climb walls, pick up enemies and hurtle them into the air, and fire spears of ice from his back. Pummel Weed has the ability to unearth objects stuck in the ground and, by using the left and right triggers, can jab opponents and delivery deadly upper cuts. Major Ruin is the erratic armadillo who can curl up in a ball, and launch himself over ramps to access new areas. The variety in characters, and how these characters interact with the environment, is where Kameo: Elements of Power magnetism lies.

Kameo herself also brings her charm to the game; she flutters about with her wings allowing you to jump short distances, and hover around at speed.
You’ll need to use all four of these characters to progress through the rather tricky first stage of Kameo: Elements of Power. After disposing of a number of axe wielding trolls, you’ll need to morph into the directionless armadillo Major Ruin in order to access the next area, using the frustrating ‘Cyclone’ function to plummet over the half-pipe. There is a simpler way around, which utilises Kameo’s gossamer wings, but you might as well practice using the armadillo – you’ll need it!
After navigating through a tunnel, you’ll drop into the first arena, where you’ll be attacked again by the vicious trolls. Upon defeating trolls you’ll gain battle points which are displayed across the top of the screen. By dispatching enemies with a variety of combos, you’ll be awarded battle bonuses..