Stunning graphics
Graphically, Kameo is almost faultless. At any given moment, even during fight scenes your eyes will wander to every corner of screen and marvel at the visual goodness on offer. It’s clear that the designers were passionate about using the power of the Xbox 360 to its full glory. From the fiery reds of dragons, to the icy blues of sky, the colour and detail of Kameo’s design is truly outstanding; you’ll feel cold in the game’s snow level and warm in the jungle level. Surfaces reflect the change from night to day and glimmer accordingly, whilst the density of the environments stimulate your brain and provide stunning backdrops. Even with huge battles, boasting over 1000 trolls, the explosions are mind-blowingly well executed. I can’t remember experiencing any problems with slow down.

Morphing into the various characters emphasises RARE’s attention to detail; you’ll see yourself in the belly of a dragon or curled up inside an armadillo. Despite these stunning graphics there are a few of the game’s original graphics that slip in from time to time. Water in Kameo is particularly lifeless and some of the grasslands are repetitive and blocky. These minor flaws are easily noticeable when the rest of the graphics are so good.
The sound of Kameo comes from an original score written for the game, it reacts at the appropriate times and remains subtle at others. It’s a lesson in how to write music at the correct tempo, it gains the player’s attention at the correct time and builds up at appropriately tense times.
The Xbox 360 game also features multiplayer co-op play offline. The online co-op feature is due to be released shortly.
Kameo: Elements of Power is a great game to show off to those people who have not yet seen the power of the Xbox 360. It dazzles and charms with its stunning visuals, but can frustrate with dodgy camera angles, repetitive gameplay and abundance of button pressing. Some will love it, others will despise it. It’s a great effort for one of the launch games, but doesn’t provide the complete package. What is the complete package? I’ll tell you when I find it.
Graphically stunning
Well paced
Great end of level bosses
Cool characters
Frustrating camera angles
Too short

Kameo: Elements of Power...Good effort, could do better, see me after class...
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