Destruction on demand
The Destruction on Demand menu can be activated at any point in the game, and is the key to success. Through this function you can call in re-enforcements, tanks, delivery trucks, static machine guns, half-tracks and air strikes. Overall there are 20 different items available to the Allies. This is where the Real time Strategy elements come into play, pick your artillery of choice and then place it on the map ready for use.
These re-enforcements can be only be used if you have enough field units, which are accumulated by killing the enemy. Once you’ve decided which piece of artillery you need, you’ll need to stand back because, lo and behold, it will drop from a passing cargo plane. That’s right, call in a tank, pick a spot for it to land, and it will descend from the doors of the passing plane. It really is destruction on demand.

In order to purchase these higher-level vehicles, emplacements and air-strikes you’ll need to capture the building associated with that category. For example, capture the Radio Tower and you’ll be able to use air-strikes and artillery strikes. In single player campaign your missions will direct you to these buildings, in multiplayer you’ll need to rush these positions to stop your enemy from gaining these weapons.
This function keeps battles fast and furious, and ensures you’ll always be thinking of your next move. Should you call in an air strike on the two tanks parked up ahead, or should you summon an anti-tank gun to blast them to shreds? The choice is yours, and with a range of 20 items you’ll have total freedom to destroy the enemies in any way you see fit. This element of the game is extremely easy to use and far more impressive than your own player’s combat skills.

The Outfit’s big downfall is controlling your own character, a pretty crucial part of any game. Whilst your squad and re-enforcements go diving in head first to most battles without any thought at all, you’ll be running around like a headless chicken trying to take down the enemy with your thousandth shot. The targeting reticule lights red when pointed at an enemy but, despite some near perfect headshots, the bullets seem to bounce off the Nazi’s the majority of the time. It’s extremely frustrating, unrealistic and downright pathetic.