For hardcore fans only...
The promise of visually stunning battles hasn’t quite materialised and the real-time engagements against the likes of the Romulans, Klingons and Borgs are slow paced and repetitive, despite plenty of warring vessels on screen at one time. Explosions and the debris created by them are occasionally impressive, but lack true visual impact and the beautiful space environments that we were promised are fairly dull and lifeless.
Despite an impressive musical score, the voice acting in Star Trek: Legacy is sluggish with William Shatner being the main culprit. Strangely, Captain Kirk sounds as though he really didn’t want being involved in the project at all and if we were in the studio when he recorded this bland performance we would have prodded him with a sharp stick to inject some life into him.

Hardcore Star Trek fans will still get something from the Legacy experience, perhaps in the storyline or in the testing out of the wide variety of vessels, but we found the single player campaign to be repetitive and at times bordering on tedious. We still hold some hope that the multiplayer mode will be blast, but the awkward controls of vessels will be enough to put off the most patient of gamers.
Tons of playable vessels
Decent script
Drawn out missions
Poor handling of craft
Space battles are a bore
A fairly stale offering that doesn't do the Star Trek legacy justice.