Huggies in Brazil has developed a bizarre new social media connected product for parents to monitor the state of the nappies their offspring are wearing. The device is called a TweetPee and attaches to the baby’s nappy. It contains a moisture sensor and fires off appropriate Tweets depending on the state of the nappy.
The TweetPee sensor looks like a little Twitter bird caricature. There are several Tweet alert levels depending upon the nappy being dry, a little moist or completely flooded. The alert messages range from and include “Everything OK here,” “Oops, Did a few drops,” and “Time to Change.”
A smartphone app has been specially constructed to be used with the TweetPee device. The app can assign a picture of your baby to an account (perhaps for multiple babies). Also the app keeps a track of the amount of diapers you are using with a complete history being built up for you to analyse. This is supposed to be a tool for parents to be able to predict and buy enough Huggies nappies in advance. If you are running low you can buy nappies directly in the app and the app will also notify you when your stock level is low.
Digital Trends reports that multinational company Kimberly-Clark is test marketing the TweetPee device in Brazil but the site and advertising agency in Brazil have no details of availability as yet. Digital Trends also thinks a TweetPee device might be a free promotional gimmick that would almost guarantee certain parents would lock into using Huggies brand nappies.
Currently it seems like the official TweetPee site has collapsed under the SlashDot effect. Could this mean your baby could be vulnerable to nappy rash following a hacker attack on TweetPee servers? That’s another hazard of cyberspace parents must face.
The Brazilian TV advert for TweetPee (in Portugese) is embedded below for your convenience.