17 November 2009, 11:55
Reports say the Russian government banned the game for political insensitivity, but Activision denies the claims.
12 November 2009, 08:41
Not a bad little earner, eh? Modern Warfare 2 has bagged £47 million on day one, and that's just the U.K. sales.
11 November 2009, 09:34
Specifically relating to the PC version, gamers don't seem too chuffed with Infinity Ward's latest game in the popular series.
10 November 2009, 12:48
West End launch for a gaming title expected to eclipse the opening weekend revenue of any Hollywood blockbuster.
19 October 2009, 16:24
Modern Warfare 2 rated as most adult Call of Duty game in the series.
2 September 2009, 12:44
Capture the Flag gameplay clip provides a closer look at one of the year's hottest titles.
25 August 2009, 15:38
Keyboards, face-plates, controllers and more set to launch to coincide with the release of Modern Warfare 2.
3 August 2009, 14:28
DS gamers won't feel left out this November thanks to their own version of Modern Warfare 2.
28 July 2009, 11:17
Infinity Ward provides a first look at Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer experience.
15 July 2009, 10:13
Activision reveals the different retail editions of Modern Warfare 2 that will be available on launch day.