Complete Serious Sam 2 (PC) coverage from HEXUS

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  • Review: Serious Sam 2

    25 October 2005, 15:39

    The original Serious Sam made efforts in the same direction and while they weren’t unwelcome Sam’s one-liners did feel like more of a Duke Nukem ‘homage’ than an effort to ...

  • Serious Sam 2 - The First 15

    17 October 2005, 11:02

    The First 15 minutes of Serious Sam 2

  • Serious Sam 2 - latest screens

    5 August 2005, 00:00

    I really want some of what Croteam are on. I mean, there’s using your imagination and then there’s taking a wild trip through a disturbed and abused mind… I’ll leave ...

  • Serious Sam 2

    6 July 2005, 00:00

    A quick run down of some of the baddies in Take Two\\\'s latest shooter.

  • Serious Sam 2

    14 June 2005, 00:00

    Serious Sam 2 runs on the newly designed Serious 2 engine with graphics, environments and physics that are claimed to be 100 times more complex than previous Serious Sam games ...

  • Serious Sam 2

    28 April 2005, 00:00

    Sam’s back with a brand new engine and greatly expanded gameplay, which will hopefully have made it worth the wait.