19 August 2008, 11:45
Sony Online Entertainent has confirmed two new expansions in the popular Everquest series
31 July 2008, 10:44
With the launch of Gran Turismo TV tomorrow, there's news of a special discounted period for all gamers.
28 July 2008, 14:15
On the brink of annihilation, mankind resumes the fight against the unstoppable Chimera on the shores of the United States.
18 July 2008, 09:14
Sony has unveiled its first MMO project for PS3, which will allow gamers to create their own superheros and travel around the DC Universe.
9 June 2008, 09:46
A few more details have emerged on Sony's safari simulation...
3 June 2008, 15:16
Sony kick off the 'Living Legacy' promotion, to get all of you old EQ players back on board.
29 May 2008, 09:23
A pan-European GT5 competition opens its doors next week to anyone who fancies their chances.
21 May 2008, 12:23
The first four-set block of the heroic Norrathian storyline for the popular online strategy game Legends of Norrath is nearly complete!
21 May 2008, 11:59
HEXUS.gaming has five copies of Everquest II to giveaway, which includes all of the expansion packs!
21 May 2008, 11:22
HEXUS.gaming grill SOE Associate Producer, Kyle Heuer on the company's latest MMO and strategy card game.