16 May 2008, 12:00
Electronic Arts Inc. today announced that Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning (WAR) will ship in Australia, New Zealand and Southeast Asia simultaneously with the North American and European Fall 2008 ...
8 May 2008, 15:00
NCsoft has sold its Blackstar IP and development will now go ahead.
1 May 2008, 11:45
The pricing structure for Age of Conan subscriptions has been revealed
18 April 2008, 13:00
With The Chronicles of Spellborn players enter into an online world of scenic landscapes, majestic cities and the remnants of an ancient civilization. Alone or with a party of allies, ...
1 April 2008, 10:40
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning has been hailed as the game that promises to be unlike any other in the MMO genre. We went to Paris to meet the team ...
28 March 2008, 16:35
HEXUS.gaming sit down with the product manager of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning to ask him a few probing questions on EA Mythic's upcoming MMORPG.
28 March 2008, 10:33
Continuing with today's Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning coverage, we have 16 brand new screenshots for your perusal.
28 March 2008, 10:33
NCsoft Europe today announces the launch of two new websites specifically created to introduce players new to massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) the opportunity to discover two of NCsoft ...
20 March 2008, 11:40
Here's three exclusive screens from Eidos' upcoming MMO, Age Of Conan showing the The Sanctum of the Burning Souls area where HEXUS was recently treated to a bit of dungeon ...
20 March 2008, 09:23
The world of the new sports-based MMORPG, Empire of Sports is evolving and the teams at Infront Sports & Media and French company F4, has decided to open up the ...