Cooler Master factory tour. Interested in chassis? Read this.

by James Smith on 14 June 2007, 09:46

Tags: Cooler Master

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Metal parts production machinery

Some of Cooler Master's machinery, such as the power presses below, can easily be retooled to do very different jobs. As a result, during our visit we missed out seeing all the different case parts being made because some machines were tooled-up for the production of coolers for CPUs and graphics cards.

As you can see, raw aluminium (or copper) is fed into the machine from large rolls.

The machine below is set up to make aluminium cooling fins for CPU coolers.

In contrast, the machine below is configured for producing drive-bay parts for aluminium PC cases. Although it's not obviously so, the machine requires the operator to feed in each roll of aluminium by hand.

Ever wondered how case side-panels have their matt finish transformed into brushed-aluminium?

It's easy. All you need is a big industrial belt-sander like the one pictured below, along with a plank of wood and some patience. For most of us, though, the three-phase power requirements could put a stop to installing one in our garages or lofts.

The CNC (Computer Numerical Control) lathe below is used to modify the doors of PC cases. It doesn't, though, cut the original slits in the panel - a precision powered press with the right tooling does that job more effectively.