When an Intel Core 2 Duo X7900 just isn't fast enough: upgrading an iMac to a Penryn CPU

by Tarinder Sandhu on 18 January 2008, 15:10

Tags: Intel (NASDAQ:INTC), Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qala7

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The naked iMac

Once the screws have been removed all that is left is to grab the aluminium shell, push it upwards from where it tucks into the chassis, and take it away. We did the opposite when putting it back, obviously.

We didn't forget to unclip the built-in microphone, which you might forget to do in your haste to gain access to the innards of the iMac.

We were then presented with this vista. One can fully appreciate the mobile underpinnings of the iMac now. Specifically, the Bluetooth card can be seen on the right-hand side, the WiFi card in the middle, and the SO-DIMM memory slots just below. Upgrading any of these components is relatively easy, then.

A side-on shot of the bottom part of the PCB.

The actual screen is held in place by four screws on each side and a further couple on the top. We had plenty of screwing practice (ooh, err, missus) after these had been removed and safely stored.

We're making inexorable progress towards the CPU area - wohoo.