Review: YeongYang A102 MATX

by David Ross on 4 February 2003, 00:00

Tags: YeongYang

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Inside the case as you could imagine its quite cramped but everything fits in ok.

At the top of the case there is a removable caddy where the two 3.25 inch devices screw into and then lock into place. It is a bit tricky getting this caddy out as there is a clip on the underside that has to be pushed up so it unlocks. As you can see in the picture with IDE cables and power cables there isn't much room for air to get to cool the HDD's. Spiral wrapping and rounded IDE cables helped make the PC tidier and easier to move and try to arrange the cables in a small area instead of just having a mass ball of PSU cables and letting them get all messed up.

To get to the motherboard tray, you have to firstly remove the cd-rom tray then the HDD caddie. Its not a bad design but if you are working on the case or doing somthing like installing new memory it is a bit of a pain to have to remove most devices out of the case before you can get to the motherboard.