Review: Lian Li PC37

by James Morris on 17 July 2003, 00:00 3.5

Tags: Lian Li

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  • Aluminium Construction
  • Removable Motherboard Tray
  • Lots of Storage Potential
  • Lightweight
  • CD Bezel


  • Poor Cooling
  • Lack of Features
  • Sleeve Bearing Fan
  • LED's
  • Vertical PSU


This is the first Lian Li case I’ve reviewed for We don’t review many Lian Li’s but when they release unusual layouts or designs we try and get a hold of one to see how it compares to other cases in its class. The PC37 is certainly an unusual case with the 5 x 5¼ inch drive bays, but the internal layout leaves some concerns with the vertical PSU and lack of cooling. The build quality and appearance is very good, which is what you expect from Lian Li. The new Lian Li CD Bezel is very simple and effective. I was most impressed with this and very glad to see it bundled with one of their cases. I’ve had no clues to how much this case will retail for, but my guess would be around the £120-£130 mark.

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So far it looks the best of the 400Gb boards that are available or just about to be (not many :P)
Well if its anything like my Epox 8RDA3+ its an awsome board!
Have you seen

So far it looks the best of the 400Gb boards that are available or just about to be (not many :P)

Hi Buff, no - I have not seen this review (Google seems to be blind to it) but OH MY! Sempron referenced on that page! Ha ! A new Socket A CPU due 17 August no less!

I am a little dissapointed with the performance testing results in that review, but hey, you can't have everything and I am looking for more than 2 SATA ports and Raid 1+0 or raid 5! This board is the best board I've found yet in terms of features!
The one thing that is letting these new NFII boards down is the lack of sound storm.

I had a Epox 8rga+ which i loved but would not allow me to overclock. It was quick and stable at stock but a pain in the arse when ever i tried to oc it.

Am now on a NF7-S V2 and am happy both with the features and the speed i get from it.

Now am giving the NFIII mobos a miss because they lack the Soundstorm that i love, hopefully the NFIIII mobos do have soundstorm again and if so i iwll upgrade to them if not then i'll prolly have to look for a highend snd card with the features that the soundstorm offers me, am also waiting for all the new stuff to settle down before decideing on where to go.