Review: Zalman FC-ZE1 Fatal1ty

by Matt Davey on 12 October 2006, 08:35

Tags: Zalman (090120.KQ)

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Zalman as a company is renowned for well designed, quality aftermarket cooling solutions. Be it water, fan-based or silent cooling, its products have a good following in the enthusiast market but did you know they did chassis too?

Of course, you can be forgiven if you didn't, after all, up until now, the chassis within its range have been out of reach for most buyers.

The TNN 5600AF's RRP of £700 along with TNN 300’s RRP of £400 are two models in the current Zalman range. Fairly obvious then why they had limited success but now it's all change as Zalman join the hundreds of manufacturers producing fan-cooled chassis.

At £250 RRP the Zalman Fatal1ty FC-ZE1 is far from cheap but can its design, performance and build quality justify the price?