Review: Zalman FC-ZE1 Fatal1ty

by Matt Davey on 12 October 2006, 08:35

Tags: Zalman (090120.KQ)

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Laser licking good

The more observant amongst you will have noticed the outer skin of the Fatal1ty FC-ZE1 is far from plain, with multiple copies of the Fatal1ty logo accompanying a few Zalman logos and some advisory text stuck all over the case.

Zalman Fatal1ty FC-ZE1
Click for larger image

Now you see that's a blatant lie and blatant for a very good reason. The graphics aren't stuck on - oh no, no, it’s all laser-etched, baby!

Zalman Fatal1ty FC-ZE1
Click for larger image

Now they won't be to everyone's taste and removing them isn't an option, but over time you seem to either a) get used to them or b) just ignore they ever existed.

When I first unpacked it I have to admit I was disappointed. It just looked a mess of adverts and advisories messing up what looked to be a very clean design.

Zalman Fatal1ty FC-ZE1
Click for larger image

Looking a bit closer revealed something that did cause a few quiet giggles from this hack. Underneath the window on the side of the case is the following text...

“Caution when viewing internal components, protective eyewear is recommended.”

Now while some might agree that some stuff I have built in the past was lethal (you know who you are!), this system was far from it.

Yes it’s something they didn't really need to say and yes a bit far-fetched, but give them credit, at least they tried.

Anyway let’s take a look at the Fatal1ty FC-ZE1 in more detail...