Review: AMD Athlon 64 3000+ 'Venice' Overclocking

by Tarinder Sandhu on 3 June 2005, 00:00


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ScienceMark 2.0, Pifast

All Intel CPUs score roughly the same memory bandwidth, as calculated by ScienceMark 2.0. Athlon 64s' bandwidth appears to rise as clock speed rises, and the overclocked Venice 3000+, running still with DDR400 RAM, produces a healthy 5.7GB/s.

Memory access latency decreases as Athlon 64 speed is raised. Running with a 2793.6MHz clock and DRAM set to a /14 divider with 2-2-2-5 timings, latency is reduced to just 37.94ns. Impressive.

The overclocked Athlon 64 3000+ beats out all other CPUs in Pifast. It'll need an FX-57 to challenge the time posted by the oh-so-clockable Venice core.