Review: Vantec Nexus Fan Controller - NXP-201-SL

by Craig Ball on 6 February 2003, 00:00 3.0

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So What is it?

The silver model has a textured finish giving it a unique look and feel. The dials are also illuminated by 5 x bright 3mm LED's which give a nice even glow around the 4 fan controls. Also the face plate has markings showing low and high settings making the controller very simple to understand and operate.

The controller gives a range from about 7V to 12V. When operating fans on low settings the device crackles. This is because the fan controller is based on PWM (Pulse Width Modulation). This is nothing to be concerned about as all PWM controllers make a crackle/hum when at the low settings.

Installing the device was extremely easy. All the cables which Vantec supply have printed labels on the connecters. (See picture below). Although I find it strange they supply a manual in PDF format on their website but don't include it within the contents of the Vantec controller. (PDF file manual is available to download here.)