Review: Zalman ZM80A-HP Silent VGA Cooler

by Tarinder Sandhu on 28 May 2003, 00:00 4.5

Tags: Zalman (090120.KQ)

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Installation II

Attach the back block in much the same way as you did the front. Then simply secure it with the cover to the standoffs shown on the previous page. Because we've used rubber washers, the back block doesn't make contact with the back of the GPU; this is normal. Please note that the arrows on both sides should be pointing towards the bottom of the card (AGP slot).

Just ensure that you've been liberal with the thermal paste. Slide the heatpipe through the only available groove on both sides (it's going to transfer the heat from the front to the back). If you've done it correctly, it only fits one way.

Here's the heatpipe on the back. Notice the thermal paste in the groove ?. Lastly, you simply attach the two large heatsinks to the front and back via the four screw holes you see on both sides. The ZALMAN name should appear at the top of the card on both sides.

A boring fan is replaced with a stylish passive cooling system.

The sheer weight of the card and cooling forces the rear heatsink to get a little close the the card.

Both heatsinks are parallel when inside a PC. The card's weight on the bottom heatsink seems to suggest otherwise. A Zalman sandwich with a R300 filling.