Review: Intel Core i5-4690K Devil's Canyon (22nm Haswell)

by Tarinder Sandhu on 20 June 2014, 14:00

Tags: Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

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Benchmarks: System

The hard drive makes a much bigger difference in PCMark than the processor used. For example, a Core i3-4330 backed by an SSD scores much higher than a Core i7-4770K system using a traditional spinning drive. All CPUs use the same SSD in this test, leading to similar results throughout.

A composite score of 12 benchmarks, Core i5-4690K takes its place between the best processors of the initial Haswell generation.

We're back looking at the quality of the GPU in this test. AMD's APUs certainly aren't fit for great gaming, but they soundly beat Intel's integrated graphics.