Review: AMD Radeon HD 3870: the new midrange DX10 king?

by Tarinder Sandhu on 15 November 2007, 05:00

Tags: HIS Radeon HD 3870, AMD (NYSE:AMD)

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Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

NVIDIA's developer-relations team has, it seems, been the preferred partner for Quake Wars: Enemy Territory, too. That's not a criticism, merely laying out the facts. NVIDIA has chosen this route to ensure that high-profile games run well on its hardware - and paid a price for doing so.

More of the same here, folks. You might as well substitute the Radeon HD 3870 for the Radeon HD 2900 XT, so close are their respective numbers. CrossFire performance shows decent speed-up again but NVIDIA's GeForce 8800 GT, while more expensive at £165 or so, is considerably faster than anything a single-GPU Radeon can muster.

We do need to point out, though, that SLI numbers were hard to obtain at 1920x1200 - the benchmark would return spurious numbers on multiple occasions.