Review: Sapphire Radeon RX 580 Nitro+ in CrossFire

by Parm Mann on 7 July 2017, 12:00

Tags: Sapphire, AMD (NYSE:AMD)

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Rise of the Tomb Raider

Homepage: | Publisher: Square Enix | Developer: Crystal Dynamics

Awesome adventure, mind-boggling puzzles, intense action and breathtaking landscapes. We all know what to expect when Lara Croft sets out on a new mission, and Rise of the Tomb Raider is arguably one of the finest instalments in this hugely popular series.

Rise of the Tomb Raider also gives reason to pause for thought. Adding the second GPU results in a decent performance gain, yet minimum FPS plummets and we noticed significant stuttering in certain sections of the benchmark. The average FPS may be close to a GeForce GTX 1080, however the single GPU delivers a smoother overall experience.