Review: Voodoo 5 5500

by David Ross on 26 July 2000, 00:00

Tags: 3dfx

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Test System
ABIT KA7 Motherboard
AMD Athlon @ 750MHz
128MB Crucial CAS2 PC133 SDRAM
SCSI 9.1GB Quantum Hard Drive (x2)
SCSI 50.1GB Seagate Hard Drive
Adaptec 2940U2W SCSI Controller
Coolermaster ATCS 200 ATX Midi Tower Case

3DMark 2000
16Bit Graphics with No FSAA - 4652
16Bit Graphics with 2X FSAA - 3173
16Bit Graphics with 4X FSAA - 1324
32Bit Graphics with No FSAA - 4432
32Bit Graphics with 2X FSAA - 2542
32Bit Graphics with 4X FSAA - 1315

Please excuse the lack of screen shots, we decided a summary would be better and save page loading time!