Review: Visiontek Xtasy Ti4200 128MB

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 11 July 2002, 00:00

Tags: VisionTek

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Comanche 4

We've seen from previous reviews that Comanche 4 performance on NV25 is entirely CPU limited on Ti4600 but this might not be the case on Ti4200 and Ti4400, especially with the relatively slow memory clock of the Ti4200 being tested today.

At the given clock speeds, everything is as expected. At the lower resolution of 1024x768 where we are most CPU bound the performance of the Ti4200, clocked a fair bit less than the Ti4400, is identical in real world performance when compared to the faster card.

With the Ti4400 only 1.5% faster than the Visiontek Ti4200 128MB at the lower resolution, you can start to see the appeal of these cheaper cards and see why they are a favourite of many.

As the resolution increases, the performance difference increases and the Ti4400 justifies its expense but does it do it enough? As we've seen so far, performance from the Visiontek on the test platform is more than agreeable for the test suite of programs that we run.

Lets have a look at overall performance and a quick word on overclocking.