Review: Visiontek Xtasy Ti4200 128MB

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 11 July 2002, 00:00

Tags: VisionTek

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Card and Bundle

The card itself is cooled by a blue orb style cooler and the Samsung TSOP modules aren't cooled at all, neither actively or passively. They run cool to the touch at 445MHz and didn't get much warmer when overclocked. Lack of cooling helps keep costs down and it isn't really needed in this case anyway.

It comes with the full backplane compliment of DVI, 4-pin TV-Out from the Connexant chip that is commonplace these days and the regular DB15 connector that will see most action on this card to drive your analogue display. The lucky among you with a digital monitor or panel are taken care of by the DVI do all bases are covered. TV-Out quality from the Connexant was excellent as always and had no issues on my television.

Being a recent NVIDIA board, nView is present and correct and users running Windows XP can choose independant bit depths, resolutions and refresh rates for both heads, something you can't seemingly do on Windows 2000 althought I can't confirm that myself.

The bundle is bare to keep costs down. Just a driver CD, a copy of PowerDVD for DVD playback, the card itself and the snazzy box you can see in the two pictures on this page.