Review: Tyan Tachyon G9800 PRO-M 128MB

by Tarinder Sandhu on 5 October 2003, 00:00

Tags: Tyan Tachyon G9800 PRO-M 128MB, Tyan (2315.TW)

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3DMark 2001SE v330

3DMark 2001SE v330 kicks it off.

Top of the tree in the very first test. A portent of things to come ?

The GeForce FX 5900 Ultra's use of the 44.03 drivers pushes it to to the top, a clear 1500 marks ahead of the Tyan. Notice how the 9600 PRO barely gives half the 9800 Pro's performance here. Antialiasing and anisotropic filtering have always been hard on midrange cards.

Only the 256-bit memory bus boys can hack it with this degree of difficulty.