Review: Compaq IPAQ

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 23 January 2001, 00:00

Tags: Compaq

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From then on, you can either use a network aware application that knows how to use the connection to dial-up for you, or you can initiate the connection yourself from the connections folder. Simple! Activate IrDA on the phone, point the ports at each other and you are all set to dial.

Once connected, browsing the web and picking up mail is fast and fun! Some sites are obviously not optimised for the small screen size of the iPAQ, but on the whole it's fine. Picking up mail is just as easy once you pop in your mail server details. Pocket Inbox works just like Outlook so you'll be instantly at home.

The iPAQ is perfect to use untethered from a network or phone cable.


Just a quick bit on AvantGo. AvantGo, in conjunction with a supporting mobile device lets you download entire websites to the device for browsing offline. As far as PocketPC's are concerned, ActiveSync takes care of your AvantGo synchronisation whenever you sync your device. AvantGo is available for many types of mobile device including 3Com's Palm series.


First, I have to apologise for partly reviewing Microsoft PocketPC during this iPAQ review and going off on one about high-speed connectivity! I wanted to let you know what it was like to use the iPAQ as it was intended, as a proper wireless connectivity device and give you an insight into MS PocketPC.

Quite simply, the iPAQ is excellent. Battery life for me has been great. While I haven't performed any formal testing since the iPAQ has sat in its cradle most nights since I got it, playing MP3's on the move, or extended browsing haven't left me wanting for more battery life.

Text entry on the iPAQ is fantastic. The great screen, comfortable stylus and PocketPC’s excellent entry methods make it a joy to use. It may surprise you to know that this article was written entirely on the iPAQ using Pocket Word, with only the conversion to HTML done on my PC!

The screen is superb, better than any other on any mobile device that I have seen.

It is so versatile and combined with my Nokia, I wouldn't swap it for any other. The Compact Flash jacket and Microdrive on order can only make it better in my opinion. I'll update the review when I receive them. I'll also do a section on Linux and the iPAQ, since Compaq themselves are assisting in the development of Linux on it!

If you are in the market for a PDA, can afford to pay a slight premium and can find one, I can't help but recommend it. Superb!