Review: rockdirect Xtreme SLI Laptop

by Tarinder Sandhu on 9 March 2006, 13:47

Tags: rock, Stone Group

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rockdirect Xtreme SL Laptop

High-end laptops have come on leaps and bounds in recent years. It's perfectly feasible, funds permitting, to buy a desktop-replacement laptop that matches the performance of most desktop machines. Yet for all the power and prowess of cutting-edge DTRs, they're always going to be a step behind the best desktop machine you can buy, right?

On the face of it that argument appears to hold true. Notebooks can be configured with desktop-derived mobile GPUs but that's not where the real high-end performance is at. Rather, the emergence of multi-GPU technology has added a performance punch that's out of laptops' reach, mainly for spatial reasons.

rockdirect aims to change this be releasing a notebook that's pre-configured with dual GeForce Go 7800 GTX GPUs in SLI mode. That's right, an SLI'd notebook, based on top-end SKU, that's available to buy immediately. Sounds almost too good to be true.

Enter the performance behemoth that is the rockdirect Xtreme SL.