With mobile devices getting more powerful, it seems they're in danger of following a trend that's appeared in PCs. One piece of software often tries to do many things, and sometimes that works, but other times it doesn't do a very good job.
It's refreshing to see a piece of software that's intended to do pretty much one thing. Better still, it's fantastic to see it do it well. This software isn't just cool; it's actually useful. In fact, with more publications on it, it could even be invaluable.
Ultimately, of course, it all depends on whether you're actually bothered about getting news and articles delivered to your phone. Having tested the software on a Smartphone, we cannot say how well its Java variant - for less-powerful phones - compares. However, for us, Mobizines was a solid piece of software. The content and its format beats the pants off my phone operator's excuse for news... some half-baked multimedia message.
If you've got some spare data transfer on your phone, especially if you're on a contract, then we recommend that at the very least, you give Mobizines a try; it just might change your perception of the delivery of mobile content.