Review: iMainGo combi iPod case and speakers

by Bob Crabtree on 22 March 2007, 13:40

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Day-tripper John Hill takes an iMainGo on a journey of discovery. Join him as he goes earphones off and hands on with this much-hyped combined portable case and sound system for iPods.

You know what it's like. You're out with a few friends enjoying a picnic at some remote beauty spot in Tuscany. You've had a little vino and are getting well chilled out. Then someone says they feel like dancing.

Trouble is, while everyone's got their iPods, there's not a single shared track between the lot of you.

So what do you do?

Well, what you definitely don't do is get out your didgeridoo and play a medley from Abba, The Early Years. Repeated blows to the back of the head with a picnic hamper will ruin your afternoon.

Much safer to use a portable active speaker system. But how effective are these gadgets?

As as we promised, we've now got in for review one such product, the £59 iMainGo from Portable Sound Laboratories, having been challenged to see how it performs after casting doubts over the big claims being made for it.

iMainGo retail pack (click for larger image)

The packaging is a bit flimsy but dive over to page two to see if what's inside gets anywhere close to living up to the hype...