Review: MV Ixius 3.6 Laptop and NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Go 256MB

by Tarinder Sandhu on 8 November 2004, 00:00

Tags: NVIDIA (NASDAQ:NVDA), rock, Stone Group

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Xpand Rally

Xpand Rally

Vendor: Techland - (Website)
API: DX8.1
Pixel Shader Version Supported: unknown

Think of this for a second. Xpand Rally running off a GeForce 6800 Go 256MB card on a laptop equipped with a traditional UXGA screen. It looks great and runs well.

Having double our test 6600 GT's video memory pays dividends at the very highest setting. Here, it's beating out a Radeon X700 PRO 256MB desktop card at every setting.