Review: ABIT Fatal1ty AA8XE i925XE Mainboard

by Tarinder Sandhu on 3 May 2005, 00:00

Tags: abit

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ABIT Fatal1ty AA8XE i925XE Mainboard

Have you ever thought, as an enthusiast, that you'd like components to be designed just for you? Take motherboards as an example. They're usually segregated into no-frills or deluxe models. However, very few are geared towards an all-out overclocking/tweaking effort. The reason has more to do with niche marketing than practicality, but ABIT, renowned for pandering to the whims of the enthusiast, has decided that such a board should exist; one that puts the enthusiasts' needs above all other potential users'.

Remember back to the ABIT IC7-MAX3 - a premier Canterwood-based S478 motherboard that ran with a decent array of features, both in terms of peripherals and cooling. Well, ABIT is kind of at it again. This time, its Intel-based LGA775 AA8XE has been given the makeover from ordinary, decent i925XE Alderwood to Fatal1ty status. Fatal1ty, I hear you say? Read on to see why this could be the must-have LGA775 mainboard if you like pushing your CPU and memory to the absolute limit.