Review: ASUS Crosshair IV Formula AM3 - Thuban's best friend?

by Tarinder Sandhu on 18 May 2010, 05:00 4.5

Tags: Crosshair IV Formula, ASUSTeK (TPE:2357)

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AMD has a plethora of CPUs that run optimally on the company's AM3-bearing chipset that's now headlined by the 8-series range of motherboards.

Coming off the back of the IGP-laden 890GX and, more recently, the 880G and 870, AMD introduced a top-of-the-range 890FX, launched to coincide with the arrival of the firm's six-core Phenom II X6 chips.

890FX is the chipset that partners will go to town on, adding in multifarious features and specific support for overclocking.

ASUS, the world's foremost vendor of motherboards, is no stranger to equipping chipsets with its very own brand of over-the-top sauce that's known as RoG (Republic of Gamers).

Without further ado, let's turn our attention to the 890FX chipset and ASUS Crosshair IV Formula and see they make for a good fit with a hexa-core Phenom CPU.