by Tarinder Sandhu on 1 November 2002, 00:00

Tags: Intel (NASDAQ:INTC), VIA Technologies (TPE:2388), Soyo

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Benchmarks IV

Now on to UT2003 Demo's in-built benchmark consisting of 2 parts: flybys and bot matches. The former are considered more card-limited and the latter are more affected by the subsystem. Firstly the flybys at 800x600.

And now the bot matches.

A pretty close set of results here indicating the competence of each chipset on test. Finally on to Quake 3 Fastest. More of a measure of system throughput / AGP performance than a pure, meaningful gaming benchmark. Anyway, at 512x384 fastest with audio disabled.

The P4X400 is something of a strange animal. It does well in certain benchmarks but does relatively poorly in others, although it's generally competitive throughout. The most important aspect, for me at least, is that it's superbly stable.