Review: Sapphire Pure Platinum A85XT (PT-F2A85X)

by Tarinder Sandhu on 22 November 2012, 09:00 3.5

Tags: Sapphire, AMD (NYSE:AMD)

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Testing methodology

Comparison systems

Motherboard Sapphire PP A85XT ASRock FM2A75 Pro4-M Gigabyte F2-A85X-UP4 ASRock A75M-ITX
Motherboard BIOS 0.46 1.70 F3G 1.60
Chipset driver AMD Catalyst 12.8 SB
Processor AMD A10-5800K AMD A8-3870K
Memory Patriot IEM 8GB (2x4GB)
Memory timings 9-9-9-24-1T @ 1,600MHz
Graphics AMD HD 7660D (onboard) AMD HD 6550D (onboard)
Graphics driver AMD Catalyst 12.8
Disk drive Samsung 830 Series 256GB SSD
Chassis Corsair Graphite 600T
Power supply Corsair AX750
Operating system Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit

CPU and memory benchmarks

Our number-crunching benchmark stresses a single core by calculating Pi to 10m places
PCMark 7
An all-encompassing test to evaluate system performance
X264 HD v5.01 All-core video-transcoding test. Second pass noted
CINEBENCH 11.5 Using Cinebench's multi-CPU render, this cross-platform benchmark stresses all cores

GPU benchmarks

3DMark 11 DX11, run with the entry preset
3DMark Vantage DX10, run at the default performance preset
DiRT Showdown DX9, 1,280x720 medium-quality settings
Batman: Arkham City DX9, 1,280x720, high-quality settings

General benchmarks

Storage performance USB 3.0 read and write speed, SSD average read and write speed
Power consumption While idling and when running X264 HD and Batman: Arkham City


We've got the Sapphire board up against another full-ATX A85X board in the form of the Gigabyte 'UP4. Putting the proverbial cat amongst the pigeons is the £50 ASRock A75 Pro4-M, based on the 'lesser' A75 chipset. We've also added in numbers from an ASRock Mini-ITX board running the last-generation A8-3870K APU. The purpose here is to evaluate, as a platform, the advances made by AMD and its partners over the last year or so.