Review: Gigabyte Z77X-UP4 TH

by Tarinder Sandhu on 5 December 2012, 09:02 4.0

Tags: Gigabyte (TPE:2376)

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Testing methodology

Comparison systems

Motherboard Gigabyte Z77X-UP4 TH ASUS P8Z77-V Deluxe
Motherboard BIOS F9 1709
Chipset driver Intel Inf and IMEI 8.0.1399
Processor Intel Core i7-3770K
Memory G.Skill 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3
Memory timings 9-9-9-24-2T @ 1,600MHz
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680
Graphics driver ForceWare 306.97
Disk drive Samsung 830 Series 256GB
Chassis Corsair Graphite 600T
Power supply Corsair AX750
Operating system Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit

CPU and memory benchmarks

PCMark 7
An all-encompassing test to evaluate system performance
Our number-crunching benchmark stresses a single core by calculating Pi to 10m places
CINEBENCH 11.5 Using Cinebench's multi-CPU render, this cross-platform benchmark stresses all cores

GPU benchmarks

3DMark 11 b1.1 DX11, run with the performance preset
Aliens vs. Predator DX11, 1,920x1,080, very high-quality settings
CoD: Black Ops 2 DX9, 1,920x1,080, very high-quality settings

General benchmarks

Storage performance USB 3.0 read and write speed, SSD average read and write speed
Power consumption While idling and when running Cinebench and COD: BO2


We could, as usual, line up a bunch of Z77 boards and mention that their stock-clocked performance is identical to each other. But let's try something a little different this time. We've run the Gigabyte board at the stock clocks in order to obtain baseline numbers. We've then invigorated it with a mid-level overclock, which is something enthusiasts are likely to do. Spitting out all the data, the overclock has the following parameters:

CPU voltage
DDR voltage
Up to 3.9GHz
NA - 4.4GHz


The overclock pushes all CPU cores to 4.4GHz and memory up to 2,133MHz. We add in a little extra voltage on both fronts, as well. We also run the comparison ASUS P8Z77-V Deluxe with exactly the same parameters, to see how it fares when overclocked. The numbers provided in the graphs will let you determine whether it's worth pushing the board past basic settings for your particular kind of applications.

Overclocking to the max

We've then used exactly the same methodology to overclock the Core i7-3770K chip as with previously-reviewed Z77 boards. The toasty nature of an over-volted Ivy Bridge processor puts the onus more on the cooling than the smooth-as-silk power-delivery system of a motherboard. As such, with the same cooling in place, we managed to hit the same 4.7GHz/1.35V speeds achieved on other ASUS/Gigabyte boards. Overclocking, then, is more reliant on the quality of the chip than the power-related features on a motherboard.