Review: EpoX 4PDA2+ i865PE Springdale

by Tarinder Sandhu on 3 July 2003, 00:00 4.5

Tags: EPoX

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EPoX's PowerBIOS is up for scrutiny next.

Very, very similar to the EPoX Canterwood's, which is a compliment in general terms. CPU FSBĀ  adjustments are available from 100 - 350MHz in 1MHz increments. That's pretty standard for these super-clocking boards. The CPU clock ratio is shown due to the semi-unlocked nature of our 3.2GHz P4. The AGP/PCI clock can be toggled from the stock 66MHz to 50 - 80MHz. We'd not tinker with this setting. Memory frequency contains the usual 1:1, 5:4 and 6:4 CPU FSB-to-RAM ratios. A 6:4 ratio would give a RAM speed of DDR266 at a 200MHz CPU FSB.

Voltages are a mixed bag. EPoX persist in including a lame +0.05v CPU voltage adjustment with this particular BIOS. We must note that subsequent EPoX Canterwood releases gave far higher CPU voltage options. It's just a little confusing as to why EPoX would be so conservative here. Enthusiasts usually demand at least 1.75v on a P4. Quite contrary to the CPU's voltage are the AGP and DDR options. 2.2v and 3.3v are almost unheard of. We'd swap 0.3v of DDR voltage for up to 1.85v Vcore.

Lovely timings and an aggressive memory mode option. The latest BIOS (18 June in our case) gave us a 'Max' option, which was used in formal benchmarking. Is this the much-fabled PAT technology on a Springdale ?. It does appear to be.

One of the most comprehensive features' screens we've ever seen. Toggle to your heart's delight. The on-chip SATA adjustment takes place on a separate subscreen.

A useful information screen is an important feature in our eyes. Voltages show all the pertinent information. Temperatures feel correct, too. Voltages appeared to be fairly close to specifications. Another decent BIOS from the EPoX camp. We're confident that they'll release another BIOS with better CPU voltage options. That seems to be their way of late.