Review: abit AB9 Pro

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 13 October 2006, 19:22

Tags: Abit AB9 Pro, abit

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Presentation and Bundle

The AB9 Pro is being sold by a train. Maybe not the best mental connection to make to British customers, no matter how cool the train looks. We jest of course, and while we do we'll make further fun of the "Xpress for the BIG tracks" text. Get past the funny and you can see the basic board specs and what it's mostly capable of, with the back of the box a bit more help in that respect.

The bundle gives you everything you need to make the best of the board, including the full compliment of 9 (nine, neuf, neun, neuve, nove) SATA cables (the clip kind), generous amounts of paper-based reference encompassing quick-start, full and connector/pin documents, floppy disks for disk controller installation with Windows operating systems, and a driver and software CD. Ah, and let's not forget the ATA and floppy ribbons, and USB2.0 and FireWire ports to attach to the backplane.

The ATX I/O shield takes into account the space freed by the Silent OTES, providing cutouts for airflow by the backplane 'sink. And that's that, at least as far as the review sample goes. It's an almost identical bundle to what we saw with AW9D Max, up on SATA cable count (it was slightly hilarious to count all neuf of them) but down on AudioMAX expansion card.

Good stuff from abit, again, not skimping on anything that the board needs in terms of essentials.