Review: VIA K8T800 Pro (S940) Chipset

by Tarinder Sandhu on 24 May 2004, 00:00

Tags: VIA Technologies (TPE:2388)

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VIA K8T800 Pro Socket-940 Chipset Review

8 months is a long time in the PC industry. If you can, take a look at OEM PC adverts from September 2003 and compare them with what's available today. The chances are that a few hardware improvement and a whole bunch of cash has been lopped off in the interim. ATI and NVIDIA have launched their respective next-generation cards, AMD and Intel have bought ramped up their CPUs' clock speed, and system memory has become faster (and more expensive) than ever before.

However, nothing much has changed for either AMD or Intel's high-end CPU chipsets in this period. NVIDIA has recently launched a revamped nForce3 250 but VIA has been content to ride out the first quarter with both S940 and S754 sporting the original 8-month-old VIA K8T800. Guess what?. That's no longer the case. VIA's rolling out the K8T800 Pro for both sockets now. Motherboards manufacturers will find this excuse enough to release a raft of new motherboards. The question is whether the Pro nomenclature is deserved or not. Let's find out what's new in S940's world.