Review: ASUS M2N32-SLI Premium Vista Edition Motherboard

by HEXUS Staff on 6 April 2007, 00:32

Tags: ASUS CROSSHAIR motherboard ATX nForce 590 SLI, ASUSTeK (TPE:2357)

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The launch of Microsoft Windows Vista has been and gone, and regardless of your opinion of it there are certainly some interesting new features in there for hardware manufacturers to take advantage of.

Today ASUS steps up to the plate with a revised version of its popular M2N32-SLI Deluxe board, the M2N32-SLI Premium Vista Edition. A high-end AM2 board featuring the nForce 590 SLI core logic, and a hefty bundle and a price tag to match.

With Intel's resurgence in the enthusiast market AM2 has seen slim pickings on this front, as can be seen by the fact that the last nForce 590 SLI to pass through the HEXUS labs was in fact the Deluxe version of this very board in September of last year.

But does it offer any improvements over its predecessor beyond an expanded bundle of extras, and can it justify a 50 per cent price premium?

Read on to find out..