Review: ECS 915P-A

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 11 October 2004, 00:00

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Memory Subsystem Comparison - DDR-II vs DDR

I benchmarked the 915P-A using both DDR and DDR-II memory, using the HEXUS memory tests. Here's how it panned out.


The combination of DDR-II memory at 533MHz outran the DDR configuration by just over a second in our Pifast benchmark. Compared to the AG8 in DDR mode, the DDR-equipped 915P-A is no real slouch. In DDR-II mode, it holds its own when compared to the PF4. A good start.

ScienceMark 2.0 - Memory Bandwidth

The P5GD2 Premium is ahead of the 915P-A when equipped with DDR-II, with the board slightly slower than the AG8 in DDR mode. The margins of difference are miniscule however and the 915P-A performs very well.

ScienceMark 2.0 - Memory Latency

Latency wise, the 915P-A comes in with a slower cycle count, and therefore latency, than its competitors when accessing main memory through the memory controller, using the CPU. Using no decimal precision in the graphs means that the gap looks like at least a single nanosecond, but in reality it's a bit closer, although the 915P-A still comes out on top in both cases.

What memory technology to use then?

If you're buying the 915P-A as an upgrader, just stick with your original DDR400. Low latency DDR400 still does a good job on Grantsdale, so don't upgrade just for the sake of it, especially when DDR-II, even at 533MHz, offers no real performance improvements in our memory tests.

If you're coming to the platform fresh and are choosing the 915P-A, consider DDR-II for future upgrade path reasons if you're confident you'll be an Intel buyer for the next year or so. Otherwise, low latency DDR400 gives you good performance and lets you take it to Athlon 64 if you wish.