Review: Soltek 8KAN2E-GR nForce3 250Gb S754 Motherboard

by Tarinder Sandhu on 14 December 2004, 00:00

Tags: Soltek

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Bundle and accessories

The 8KA2NE's box literally spells out what's on offer. S754 support with NVIDIA's nForce3 250Gb providing the core logic. Remember that the 250Gb variant ships with on-chip Gigabit Ethernet MAC, RAID for both its SATA and ATA ports, a supposed working AGP/PCI bus lock that's been all too conspicuous by its absence on some shipping boards, and a hardware firewall. I suppose that's enough to call it a feature-rich logic.

The associated bundle kicks off with an excellent user's manual that leaves nothing important uncovered. Soltek's literature contrasts well with a few other manufacturers who seem to think that documentation is a mere afterthought, often hastily prepared and written badly. There's a further 100-page tome dedicated to a value-adding utility pack that comprises of PC-Cillin 2004, VirtualDrive 7, RestoreIT 3 Lite, Partition Magic 6.0SE, and DriveImage 4. I do like it when companies co-ordinate ports and cables in one colour. It's a slick package which gives of a quality feel.

There's also a handy OS-based system utility that suffers from the same incorrect temperature reporting as BIOS. As much as I would like to believe it, I can't see how the CPU die's temperature can be 8c with basic air cooling.