Review: abit IN9 32X-MAX WiFi

by James Thorburn on 10 August 2007, 09:14

Tags: abit

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Every long-time overclocker has a soft-spot for abit - the company that introduced so many of the features we now take for granted on motherboards.

SoftMenu gave us jumper-free overclocking. That put an end to grovelling around inside the PC's case with a torch, motherboard manual and needle-nose pliers just to be able to bump up the VCore. And it was also abit that brought affordable multi-processors to the desktop, before it was cool, with the revolutionary BP6 and a couple of cheap Socket 370 Celeron CPUs.

List them out - BE6, BP6, VP6, TH7, NF7. Just random letters and numbers to most people but, to anyone with a taste for overclocking, they evoke glorious memories. For the lucky few who experienced the TH7-II, they may even induce Vietnam-style flashbacks.

The company was at one time on the brink of collapse and it also took the brunt of the capacitor plague at the turn of the century. The departure of Oskar Wu to DFI may have hurt abit on the overclocking front, too. But none of that is going to stop the warm glow that many of us feel when the company's name is mentioned

So the question foremost in our minds today is whether the IN9 32X-MAX WiFi, based around NVIDIA's nForce 680i chipset, is good enough to enter the hallowed halls of classic abit motherboards?