Review: ASUS P5K64 WS - where 4 x 16 = 20

by James Thorburn on 16 August 2007, 08:55

Tags: P5K64 WS, ASUSTeK (TPE:2357)

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ASUS is one company that sure knows how to keep its design teams busy. In the two and a half months since we first looked at the Intel P35 chipset we've already had two ASUS motherboards through our labs, the P5K Deluxe and P5K3 Deluxe.

Looking at the company's website reveals no fewer than 12 motherboards based around this one chipset. These span a range of price-points, from around £75 for a basic DDR2, non-RAID P5K SE, all the way up to a rather silly £580 for the P5K3 Premium, complete with 2GB of DDR3-1333 RAM integrated onto the board.

Now we're checking out the P5K64 WS - the WS standing for workstation, which gives us a unique take on the P35 chipset.

But has ASUS, in introducing so many SKUs in such a short time, overstretched its resources? And can the P5K64 WS appeal beyond the workstation market?