Review: Thermaltake Smart M550W PSU

by Tarinder Sandhu on 17 May 2012, 15:38 4.0

Tags: Thermaltake (3540.TWO)

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Final thoughts and rating

An examination of the Thermaltake Smart M550W power supply indicates that you don't need to spend an exorbitant amount of money when looking at a PSU capable of powering a decent system in 2012.

Presented nicely with flat cables for SATA and Molex devices and offering up good voltage regulation, ripple suppression, temps and noise at all but the harshest of settings, we find it hard to criticise at the current £55 shipping price.

There are better, more expensive 550W 80 PLUS 'Gold' supplies out there, absolutely, but the few per cent drop in efficiency and regulation, which remains well within official specifications, is a price well worth paying when sticking closely to a budget. A fundamentally sound PSU with no obvious flaws, given the price, do consider it for your next build.

Bottom line: a no-nonsense power supply that is capable of powering most mid-range PCs for today and tomorrow.

The Good

Solid performance
Nice cabling
Attractive price

The Bad

Voltage regulation droops at extreme load

HEXUS Rating

Thermaltake Smart M550W modular PSU

HEXUS Awards

Thermaltake Smart M550W modular PSU

HEXUS Where2Buy

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HEXUS Forums :: 3 Comments

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Found an incomplete sentence: “Sometimes slow evolution a good thing in the PC industry.”

Why have you substituted “pc” for “%”? The symbol is more recognisable and is instantly understood to mean percent, “pc” is not.


It's good to see a 550W PSU be reviewed rather than a 1000W PSU. I think the prevalence of high wattage PSUs is encouraging people to buy PSUs not suited to their machines which isn't good for anyone.
Is it possible to test at 40C, which is at the higher end of what you would see inside a case.
Is it possible to test at 40C, which is at the higher end of what you would see inside a case.

Yup, we're moving to a ‘hot-box’ model in the very near future.